Bolesta, Koa spills in tekat, in the chronic form, and in statuae a 'ratiot to discove, and the' skavica e is called osteochondrosis. Pocnuva To you to develop the typical 25-30 years of age, chronicity of the hearing, the council of Europe, the slucuva pobliska up to 40 years of age. Nisko, in the hrbot e Edna od nacestid the cause of Bolek in the hrbot.

It is an osteochondrosis
New to the Xie odnesuva of the bang Koa vlie to the diwata of the ' betot. The tcot of vremeto, ' arbetat oblohy, and to encourage the discove. These on the discove CE neophodni to seacove, and podvijnost the prsente. Dimenzije of the intervertebrale of the discove CE promeni, this document is not to quite a lot of Energia, and, To the prestant THE Vrsac svoice function. In napredna the stage of the disease the coat of ARMS Mauger To predizvici herniation or a ' ratiot Krivine. The honor bolesta stanuva the reason for the invalidnost.
The reason
Vistinskata the cause of taquita sabolova, the CE, the Uste osteochondrosis of the nepoznati of licorice, but the postout some factory in the Rasool of bolesti, as, for example:
- Vradini, and the stagnant trav to ' rbatt parade cistite kapky, newnote vliianie.
- To lose the seeds, and bolesti a ' rbutt in the samestate.
- In the age of the mark of the age of the premodern tejina.
- Rumney scapula, drgee of the teleto, and other bolesti of the musculoskeletal system.
- Metabolin rastrosta.
- Sedentary and etravirine Musculine.
- Nenden Digia, or premnogu the pritisok a Musculine, and the drizzle fog kosice, asimetrice Digia during the training and in the workplace.
- Neuromotion ishrana, Pusey, upotrebata of the hearse, and alcohol.
- Nepovoljni to zivotnata the environment under the conditions of high humidity, Niska temperature and siromasna the middle.
- The nosee of the Nesodden and I, and the temple of patitiri.
Ova e samo osnovnie factors that Vliet of the Rasool and tecot the bolesta. Bolesta CE AVEVA AJ lueta at amairani at teshka fizichka the work force. For example, tagovi, motorcycles, gymnasts, or graditelj. Postan stress, lack atmosphere, and ishrana, isto Taka Mauger To predizvici razva of the taqui bolesti, the osteochondrosis of the ' betot.
Osteochondrosis in the ' rbatt AJ vozrasni, and negovata klasifikacia
Bolesta Mauger To pocne in the adolescenziale, when betot, ednostavno, not imaat time To rust. However, with a tcot of vremeto, a new trouble singing the theme to the go-SNEMA. Decata is caused by a very, very, vibe, and balanceren ishrana, with a high-sadrina on enough eyeliner that zaboravi to Nisko, in the hrbot.
But vozrasni That e-mail a variety of. Osteochondrosis in the 'rbatt AJ vozrasni povrsina e-mail with the age and povrzani the promini property, locate ishrana and a circulatio on the' rovinata, and the drizzle fog kosice. The intervertebrale of the diskovi of-English speaking, all the razlichat structurata, tie imaat your sopstveni sadovi, SO that the document Can dobiat hrana, and the breath of the drugi wild. On the other obezbedi skavica ishrana e-mail to the main task in the fight against the disease. The egg itself Mauger Yes se guide by pravee in the vibe CHILDREN in the right, Mosconi a groupie of the hrbot. Isto Taka, they also help to fizikalna terapija, massage, as well as the right ishrana.
Spared nauchitsia GARDEN, incidentata CE Shalamova secoa Godin.
Osteochondrosis in the ' rbatt AJ vozrasni, in the garden, Adriani powee of the 30% od naselenieto, and in this Broca of the plants secoa Godin. It is pouvwa podesto AJ the great classics that are either predpochitaut sedentary the beginning of the stomach, or the government, teshka fizichka the work force. In Russia, the braunite CE este potano. Powee ml of the 50% of a ml of their age populatia not mogat To work poradi of the problems with the nervnoj systems, and the musculoskeletal system.
Bolek, in grbac, Brachot, and hlavata, To the namale zelbata the stomach. Be passed stanova passive and nervozni. Chesta depresia, pridruzeni with Vlasova on zdravie. Full Nisko, in the hrbot there is a Run of comorbidities, kako shto chronic emotional stress, headache, and bolesti a kardiovaskularnih systems.
For beniot degenerative disc sabolova: simptomi, and to diagnose
Simptomi in this bolest an asno, and that, izrazi, and it's crazy, no the with the Tesco.
Prior to that utvrdi osteochondrosis, it is necessary To, the question itself nekolku hlavní of znati and Baraat kvalifikovani help.

Postout 4 Vidovi of bolesti: Groto on matkat, lumbar, coracana, and this is Mesha, That e-mail with the nekolku in place of " ratiot post.
Simptomi in the zavisnost od pricesat e Malka poinakvi:
- Degenerative of the lumbar disc sabolova on the specificni for temovate dalyot cases hrbot Bolek coat of ARMS of the ponekogas CE slucuva, but I respect all of Semenova with an acute attack.
- Bolek in the hrbot Mauger Yes se golemi during the time of the atmosphere, or nanadan digea.
- NACESTI, Bolek promeni the streetat. Mauger To traci by the organizations, carlocate, carlocate, SO Douri and nozet.
- Chuvstvitelnosti to the noze of the e delanno prekinuta, but powee napredna form celosno isceznuti.
- Dovecot e-mail Tesco To to To to nabidnout, and wrti in taloto, patientt obidowa is To se odrzi of the Istat pose, but it does not impose itself nepriatnost.
Simptomi on the gloto degenerative disc bolest e poinakvi:
- Postof honor of the glavobolja As NEMA ischezni, The dope, and it refers to the Bolek, intensifire with a wrtie hlavata, and the svickova.
- Pacientu Mauger Yes se chuvstvuu a lot ortografico when you caused by glavata.
- Bolek from the grata of the Matmata to give grbac, razete will gradite.
- The honor is waiting Vlasova vidot and shluhot in front ochite CE poebyvat black kings, That e-mail Tesco and that fokusiert on the cost of a SECO facility.
- Mauger Yes se chuvstvovat vacanies at Ascot, as Sabellia on the promen of the Glast.
Torakalny degenerative disc bolest honor Mauger Yes se Mesha with a grata of the front sight, but the postout some very specific things:
- Pacientu Mauger To daiwee units, to gradate, ruminate, and hrbot.
- When overcooling CE slucuva obelezeno Vlasova, Bolek, isto Taka, se Shalamova in tikot on the note, or when vibate.
- In honor of the Tesco e da se zeme dlabac sdiv to gradate as if the pritina.
- CE paavi in the kojata package, or Goree, adverb zamrznute noze and the council.
- Bolkata e Uste poloso, where adverb tee, or a trcae.
By this point it is diagnosed, doctort Ki-pregleda pacientu in the razlichni, the position of the Stoa, Lazee, Cedi, in degee, and statomat. Thus, in the konsultacia it is important for You to razgovarati iskreno on the screen of your poplace, dope, and if you bolkata e Malka poloso when cashle, or kiwee. The egg isto Taka Mauger To the vlie, and the ponata is diagnosed. On the other potvrdi, or the opposite with a phobia of prisustvo on bolesti, praise, and the iron golem bro for dopolnitelny hardverski Istratova. Eden of the napopolam Vidovi MPR, x-traci and Presolana tomografia.
For beniot degenerative disc bolesti, simptome, which, in honor of them to help, and that identifikovat nekolku bolesti kako shto se kyphosis, herniated disc, and izdadeno of the discove, it is necessary To se odredi letarot.
It is not necessary that the self-lekova, the trouvait of the posedata of the drugs, to neutregena of the time. That vlie the pressostato of the units in grbac, but is Panetta the zivotot.
Osteochondrosis in the ' RBE: trestman on the health and hirosky
Terapia of this threat, bolest, e divided into 2 types — konzervativna and the hirarchy interventsia. Izboru of the trestman can only Be a specialist, patientt a bona fide need and that the konsultera nekolku the doctors — a neurologist, a surgeon and traumatologist.
Powee napredni the formation of the bolesta Mauger Yes se odstranit with him chirurgia. Sledyat, and requires the conservation tretman, like eyeliner and that oporavi of taloto. In the postoperative period, the vklucaja the Masai, fisioterapia, and ishrana.
Tretman medicine line
Honor for letarot the propisuju odrive on taquile bolesti as osteochondrosis, tretment the medicine line. That e-mail kombinirani zaedno by ishrana BACK vklucaja in the dazhba powee minerals and vitamins. Golem petrashovka of the vitamin is required when the semeato of the medicine line in a tie you do not IMAA have vliianie VRZ drizzle fog kosice, kardiovaskularnih systems, and the gastrointestinali tract.
Tretman of osteochondrosis with the help of the medicine line Mauger To vklucaja nekolku Vidovi:
- Use of analgetic and anti-inflammatory medicine line.
- Antispasmodic property.
- Antioxidanti.
- Kruta of the microcirculation.
- Podgotovka of restavracia of the ' skavica.
However, there are podpira the unity of the medicine line. Therefore, a new "pasiuni" tretman did not produce the sacanime rezultati and ponekogas e beskorisna method. It an important To not only check the se To se To se odobri and is great for a vaseto Zdrave, and fisichela form. The dope in napredni in pazienti CE e allowed the Golem and indiana in the fizicki in the spirit of the zgolemuvanje of masculinit of the ring and To the se odobri circularity kruta.
The conservation tretman of the sekogash take you to the sostoit nekolku postapki, for example:

- Fisioterapia.
- Manuela terapia, and the Masai.
- Fisioterapia care oredi.
- Balanceren food, mentalno sostoa, in the event of a concussion.
In many cases, they patientia eyeliner on wiba therapie, massages and Manuela terapia. Poveet healers all of obudovac and in that moment, in the tretman without the medicine line, as it is SITA medicine line does not have a lot of lacunae, however, isto Taka, predizvici some štětí a teleto.
Massage and Manuela terapia
The honor patientia all of the isprat for the tretman To the CE for chiropractors. However, ova e samo prevencia of the explosion, or the odlicen the beginning of the course Blagove of an acute attack of units. Postapkata samo treba da se od vrsi land iskusni by a specialist. The honor pacientii CE nodat, and that is to be placed on the predmetu for a massage, or a dope, and the acupuncturist. Izboru of Macer, treba da se tretira the Golem petpassive as a and the SECO pogresan poteg Mauger To predizvici Bolek, AND dope, and spinala of the damage.
Acupuncturist eyeliner, and that of the Normalizer gormonalnoe to remetea, we obrazovat bolkata, and spasam, ducking and diving, lying on the tonot the the Musculine.
For the CE golemi of efektivnosti on the massages, and the medicine line into the atmosphere. But the nie take da se Zapamti tie As take you to vrsi redovno, without fanatism. Isto Taka, not Mauger Yes se Verba of the time, attacking at the bolesta. The first shto treba da to recuse Vlasova. Specialen set in the environment, need to se Lekar Isere, That, depending on the od of the stadiumit bolesta. But the nachisto That e jednostavna gymnastic Digia, without a beater nenden digea.
Visiokatu terapia eyeliner on the Blagove of Bolek, seacove on the Musculine frame and Let the man take spasmi. Methods of massage and physical terapia se Dawa honor moznost, and that the upstage uses the hearse.
Fizikalna terapija
In this postapka e-mail to the tretmant. Pacientu in the postoperative period, or the CACO and the Application of the osnovnaja terapia Mauger To naznacuje Lednice Vidovi of terapia:
- The shock-branova method.
- Magnetotherapy.
- Laserski tretman.
- Balneoterapija.
- Detensor, or a placee of " betot.
- Vibro.
SECO, the method vsushnost have a positive effect on the VRZ taloto, but Yes, it will be presented taquita postapki take you to the recipe, and the lekarska bliss.

Tretman of the Narodni medicine line
On the other oslobodite smichovska units, or grceva Mauger and tradicionalni methods. For example, triea does not block the bilki and koreni, a wave, or a Phalen otrov.
A lot of people the medicine line Mauger Yes se koristi for the vnatresno and nadvoresna — triee, oblohy, and the Gulf. However, the need to se znae, no CHILDREN imaat Alergia of some of the componenti. Posebno attention to the need to se obrne of the rastertime and Ointments VRZ Osnova at the ostrovni rastenia. App some rastenia of the Council of Europe in the costab go To the nemalite efectos to lekota. It is important that you consultarte a specialist pred da se to combine with the glavniot tretman.
In the treee of the necoa aplikacia, and the dawaat zataplivaet effect With Dawa EOC, to astatine at discove.
Ovci, or a bunch of spit Blagove, to baulk, and grevi, and the Swelling. You need To ASPIRATION zagreus in vospalenie-place. Isto Taka se of zagreus Nisko, in the hrbot singing the theme to the help of the aplikacia of kerosene and air. For singing the theme to the eggs used to moisten the natural material in the kerosene, prasilova Nador, and a breather That. Taeniata need to you apply for a kogata, and the stavite Topla Samia. Ostavite 1 or 2 hours a day, except for the Mora da se is a odstranit in the nepriatnost.
Installation — is your goal is it that you incluce in prviot the mestoto in the prisustvo degenerative disc bolest. However, it is important that it is step-by-step, and that, in fact kolicinama of egg production. Yes, for all of eliminera of the ahranta you need coffee, soda, and premnogu slatka hrana. In the visoko Tiina preporucuje se To se recuse Loeb and Loeb redovno of muffins with a trice, or suvi is biscuity.
Glavniot Work on vachata ishrana need to to pass the divotinski protein: meso, pelesko, the FISH, the milk, and Ass. To owase and Zelenchuk, who are not required To bidat zaboraven. Much of the vitamine, that the ASPIRATION Satriani in the selca, piperki, carrots and celer, and the Madonas! Buy the mahones, and the sonopedia oil e podobro, and that the replacement of the olive with the nekolku of lazizi juice ml lemon.
Ducking and diving, lying on the ' skavica Divo, it is important to consumerate the vitamins a, C, D, B, calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Seto ova CE sadrzi in golemi kolicini to be made that the CE dostepny — orevi, siree, lettuce, saltwater FISH, and the puter. Pacientu Must Be obezbedi a high intake of calcium zaedno with magnesium, such as calcium NEMA da bidat of psorberine and the singing of the theme to THE filtrera outside of Koski in the singing of the theme to vlie in a negative VRZ napredok in the tretmant.
The complications
If you don't, all the treerat is to beat the Koa bolest, They sing the theme to the predizvici of the complications. Nisko, in the hrbot Mauger Yes se should be developed to iseas on a hernia, a hypertensia, and intercostal neuralgia.
Powee of theski of the posledice — That an Eden matchen shock and having a heart attack, and in inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Edna of napanice of the complications of an compresia of ' retin arteritis. A tie of the council of Europe and to deliver a monocot, with oxygen, without the rizik of the problems with the kardiovaskularnih systems sluhat and vidot.
And that, itagne of this bolest need redovno an — year-old, plive, trcae.
CE Grigi for correctament drgee in taloto, the capital of the cursty backrest CHILDREN singing the theme to go Padri tooth, BACK a healthy. Odlicna prevencia singing the theme to the sink poseben massage dušek.
Obedece se da no se nose of the teski TEGoVA at the Edna of cancer, and asimetrice on the vibration when on the training.
When chevli, with the right Chevli, and a shock-absorberi of edinstvena.
Granata is an important element in the fight against the degenerative disc sabolova, the pace of time in the right ishrana an Eden of navanita rules.